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Alarmtab© | Overview

The patented “Bluetosec©” wireless technology sets global standards for security systems for intruder alarms, fire prevention, emergency calls, and many more.
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Alarmtab© UG has developed a completely new digital radio technology for security systems. It offers intruder alarm, fire prevention, emergency call systems and many other products with new functions. The technology trademarked and patented and has received operating funds by the principal bank and the state of Saxony-Anhalt. The Alarmtab© product family (Made in Germany) achieved its proof of concept in 2017 and is now ready for international market penetration.

Key Investment Facts


Conventional alarm systems’ communication technologies have used analog frequencies for decades. However, these provide only very limited data transmission and can be manipulated by offenders and intruders.

Therefore, Alarmtab© developed a novel digital wireless technology for the security sector. The technology is based on the Bluetooth LE standard (LE = low energy), which is used worldwide, and is characterized by farther reach and greater security standards against manipulation attempts, among other things.




This technology called Bluetosec© is trademarked and patented by Alarmtab© UG. Alarmtab© thus sets new standards, because the communication is more secure and comprehensive, and because the entire system is software-based.

In addition to intruder alarms, Bluetosec© technology is applied in other systems developed by Alarmtab© UG, all of which are compatible with one another. These include fire prevention, vehicle protection, emergency call systems, and smart home controlling, among others.


Alarmtab Systeme


The AMG Sicherheitstechnik GmbH was commissioned with the extensive beta test phase. In 2017, AMG achieved nearly EUR 1 million annual revenue with the Alarmtab© product family.

Alarmtab© UG is an offshoot of AMG Sicherheitstechnik GmbH and was founded as an independent business in 2015 to carry out the production and worldwide sale of the Alarmtab© product range. After the successful test phase, the Alarmtab© products are ready for the market and are already in operation with hundreds of customers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Alarmtab© has received several distinctions, e.g. the German Design Award 2017 and the renowned PROTECTOR Award 2017 in silver. After a six-month test procedure, Alarmtab© UG was also awarded EUR 800,000 in operating funds for its market launch from the principal bank and the state of Saxony-Anhalt. Due to the strict auditing guidelines of the banks, only about 10% of startups in Germany receive financing from their principal bank.

Alarmtab© UG’s expertise, products, and market potential convinced the bank and state analysts. With the additional investment by the Companists, we are able to invest more in marketing and warehouse equipment in order to ensure a rapid international market launch and secure our technological lead.

Alarmtab© UG offers a broad product range with several innovations. Since a modern tablet is always used as the central unit in connection with completely new technology, the generic term "TabTechnic product family" has been protected by trademark and domain law.

The customer can select all aspects of security technology for intruder alarm and surveillance of houses, vehicles, construction sites, people, and smart home controls. The Bluetosec© wireless technology we developed can be used worldwide without restriction and enables functions that are impossible with conventional technology.

There has been no significant development in analog security technology for a long time. Customers are becoming increasingly demanding and it was no longer possible to fulfill their demands with the given limitations of the existing technology. The disadvantages of alarm systems using analog technology include:


Disadvantages of Analog Radio Technology


The development of a new digital technology with software-based systems was required to realize further opportunities. The resulting advantages include:


Advantages of Digital Bluetosec


Our main product, the Alarmtab© intrusion protection system operates along the 5 step security concept “DREDS,” which actively influences the progression of events. The acronym DREDS stands for:


5 Stage Concept


We evaluated hundreds of publicly accessible intruder reports from the criminal investigation department while developing this security concept and took into account the perpetrators' behavioral patterns, considering their motives, methods, and natural human reactions in stressful situations.




In addition to an intruder alarm, the product family entails the following products:


A fire prevention system designed not only to report fires but also to control fire doors, sprinkler systems, voice sirens, etc. The source of the fire can be displayed on individual buildings’ floor plans over several floors, which ensures fast and safe fire extinguishing.


A security system designed specifically for mobile homes, caravans, and vacation homes. These units protect against break-ins, fire, smoke, water, and even against anesthetic gas attacks. The sensors are specially designed for the special features of vacation accommodations.


An emergency call system designed for senior homes, hospitals, sanatoriums, and for private residences. The virtually unlimited radio range of the Bluetosec© transmitters makes it possible to call for help via an emergency button, including display of information such as room number, name of the person calling for help, time, and date of the call for help on the central unit's display. If necessary, the message can be transmitted directly from the central office to the nurse's smartphone, so that fast help is available anytime and anywhere.


SmartHomeTab offers a modern, very easy to use and clearly structured control center. This control center does not have the same limitations for radio reach and programing common for smart home technology. Since every Bluetosec© transmitter (BTS transmitter) simultaneously functions as a repeater, the radio signals are transmitted over any distance to all rooms and floors, thus ensuring reliable switching of the electrical devices. The customer can assign all smart home receivers to any desired function; unlike other smart home systems, the system works without a wireless router connection.


This is a work-related timekeeping device that is very easy to operate and complies with legal regulations. It can record employees’ working times and breaks, which it can automatically calculate using an Excel spreadsheet. Time recording can be done through the device or by means of a radio transmitter, which eliminates time-consuming trips to the control center. The records comply with the requirements of the German Minimum Wages Act and protect the employer from unnecessary fines. Furthermore, the BTS transmitters can be used for the recording and analysis of any production process. This optimizes production processes and reduces costs for the company.

Detailed descriptions of the new security systems can be found in the AMG online shop

Alarmtab© UG is the manufacturer of the TabTechnic product family. Alarmtab© UG proceeds come from the production and sale of the products to wholesalers and distributors in different countries at industry-standard wholesale conditions.

In order to be able to serve the large international market potential, Alarmtab© UG will not carry out its own end customer sales. Instead, it will delegate distribution to specialized retailers and distributors in the individual countries. AMG Sicherheitstechnik GmbH, from which Alarmtab© UG was formed, will take over exclusive distribution in Germany.


Distribution Network Target 2020


The AMG Sicherheitstechnik GmbH has been involved in the development, production, and sale of security systems for the past 15 years. In 2013 we realized that analog radio technology is not capable enough to make the transition into the digital age. Based on this realization, we started initial developmental efforts toward a new digital sensor technology in conjunction with tablets, which had been on the market for 3 years when we started in 2014 (Apple brought out the first iPad in 2011).

In 2015, the team of developers came to the conclusion that the new creation has a chance of success. The Alarmtab© UG was founded in June 2015 to secure patent, trademark, and domain rights as soon as possible. The strategic aim was to have Alarmtab© UG carry out production and international distribution after the completion of the developmental work.

AMG Sicherheitstechnik GmbH is a full-range supplier (alarm and video technology, GPS trackers, radio signaling systems, mechanical security) with a focus on Germany. Many international specialized retailers are bound to their suppliers of alarm and video technology by exclusive contracts, which is why AMG GmbH cannot supply them.

In order to avoid these restrictions, Alarmtab© UG was founded as a production company for new technologies, where the described exclusive agreement restrictions do not exist.

We use the active support of the German Chambers of Commerce Abroad (AHK) to find suitable sales partners abroad. The AHKs provide intensive support to German export companies by establishing contacts with the right sales partners in the respective countries.

By founding the distribution company Bluetosec©-Technologies Ltd. in the UK in 2017, we have secured access to the largest European security market, Great Britain, as a precautionary measure. We are thus well-prepared for the impending Brexit.

Alarmtab© UG develops and produces safety technology on the basis of its own Bluetosec© radio technology. This new wireless technology makes it possible for the first time for sensors to work directly with a tablet or smartphone as the central unit. Alarmtab© is the first entirely digital security system worldwide.

Instead of using the usual analog radio alarm frequencies 433 MHz and 868 MHz, our systems use the wireless technology called Bluetosec©, which was developed on the basis of the world wireless standard Bluetooth 4.1 low energy.

The Bluetosec© radio signals have a range of approx. 250 m in the open air and approx. 50 m in buildings. With the new 5.0 LE standard implemented in 2018, ranges of up to 1 km in the open air and 100-150 m within buildings will be possible. This means that the radio range problems of conventional security systems, which are still common today, will finally be a thing of the past. Since every Bluetosec© sensor can also work simultaneously as a repeater (signal relay), it is possible to build up any required radio range.

The new products created by the Bluetosec© technology allow access to other large markets, which is why the product range is not limited to security technology. Many of the new products were developed through very specific customer inquiries during the one-year beta-market test phase, which shows that the potential of the Bluetosec© wireless technology is far from being exhausted. Rather, it can be assumed that other interesting products can be developed and thus new markets can be opened up.

Thanks to short decision-making processes, high innovative ability, and fast implementation in production, we can keep the costs of further developments relatively low and offer solutions on the market quickly. For this reason, customers and retailers can already find many solutions, which are not available on the market elsewhere, at Alarmtab© UG.

We have extensively protected the alarm tab© intruder detection system and our other products against counterfeiters. Alarmtab© has one registered patent protection, three ongoing patent proceedings, two registered trademarks, one granted design protection and one internationally granted domain. Additionally, we have secured the best possible copy protection for hardware and software.

All software has been programmed in-house and is protected against copies. However, since every product is copied by competitors in some way over time, it is necessary to secure the current technological lead through a rapid market entry.


Comparison of Competitors

Alarmtab© UG can tap into AMG GmbH’s existing customer base and thus has access to more than 60,000 customers in the DACH region and worldwide. This customer base is the result of business operations of the past 15 years. Every month sees the addition of around 400 to 600 new customers.

In Germany, we have regular business operations with approx. 650 specialized retailers.


AMG Customer Base


A large-scale campaign for the acquisition and training of further specialist dealers in the DACH region (Germany D, Austria A, and Switzerland CH) is currently being prepared.

At the same time, we are optimizing the online shop for end customers and wholesalers and are generating traffic through various marketing measures such as affiliate marketing and press releases.

So far, more than 26,000 customer ratings for the entire product range of AMG GmbH have been submitted in online portals (e. g. Trusted Shops,,, eBay, and Amazon); they were 99.9% positive throughout.

Our target groups are private individuals (approx. 50%), small and mid-sized companies, and public authorities (approx. 50%).

A qualitative survey, which we conducted with several customers, showed that the typical private customer is usually male, between the ages of 40-60 years old, and lives in his own home in rural and smaller regions. Furthermore, 80% of the target group is married, has children, and is self-/employed.

The target group’s income is about EUR 2000 net and they are smart shoppers (meaning: looking for the best quality at the lowest price). The existing buyers seek information, have technical experience, and show a strong interest in electronics.

An estimated USD 500 billion is invested (based on our analysis of numerous individual sources) in the purchase of intruder alarms, fire prevention, other security technology, smart home and video technology annually worldwide.  

The graphic below shows the German market volume in 2018 with approx. EUR 14.2 billion. The international market volume is approx. 35 greater than the German market volume.


Market Potential

Investment Level 1: EUR 100,000

  • Expansion of warehouse in Germany
  • Marketing budget for various projects and channels such as press releases, affiliate marketing, social media, email marketing, retailer acquisition, establishment of additional shops, and various advertisers


Investment Level 2: EUR 500,000

In addition to the measures of Level 1

  • Further expansion of warehouse in Germany
  • Construction of warehouse for Bluetosec©-Technologies Ltd. in the UK
  • Increase of the marketing budget
  • Hire personnel for the acquisition and training of specialized retailers

Investment Level 3: EUR 1,000,000

In addition to the measures of Level 1 and 2

  • Further increase of the warehouses to serve large orders
  • Additional investment in marketing
  • Reserves for the unexpected and for the acquisition/training of international retailers

The principal bank and the state of Saxony-Anhalt provided operating funds of EUR 800,000 as of January 2018; these consist of EUR 600,000 operating resources and EUR 200,000 overdraft facilities.

The product developments were conducted under the supervision of AMG Sicherheitstechnik GmbH during the years 2014 to 2017. The AMG provided the necessary personnel, expertise, and its customer base for the beta test phase.

The financial means were drawn from own cash flow, a venture loan campaign at Companisto, and subsidies from the EU and the Federal Government. The products, patent and trademark rights, and the expertise resulting from the developments are available exclusively to Alarmtab© UG. In return for AMG Sicherheitstechnik GmbH's involvement in the development phase, Alarmtab© UG has granted it exclusive distribution rights for the DACH region.

In addition to raising capital, the Companists can support us through active cooperation. Inform friends and acquaintances about our current financing on Companisto and of Alarmtab© UG’s products.

Please contact us if you are interested in cooperating as a specialized retailer or installer, whether part-time or full-time.


Team from l. to r.:

  • Marc Goldmann (Shipping & Quality Management)
  • Carsten Gehrmann (Marketing Director)
  • Enrico Bilkenroth (Customer & Retailer Support)
  • Tina Klotz (CFO)
  • Klaus Gehrmann (Managing Director)

Alarmtab GmbH
Industriepark Str. A-9
39245 Gommern

Phone: 039200/7797 - 280

Facebook: Einbruchmeldung.und.Aufklaerung
Xing: amg-sicherheitstechnik-gmbh
Linkedin: alarmtab-einbruchschutz

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