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To the application process for startups
Germany (+49)
Germany (+49)
Austria (+43)
Switzerland (+41)
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South Africa (+27)
Albania (+355)
Algeria (+213)
Germany (+49)
Andorra (+376)
Angola (+244)
Antigua und Barbuda (+1268)
Saudi Arabia (+966)
Argentina (+54)
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Aruba (+297)
Australia (+61)
Austria (+43)
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Bahrain (+973)
Bangladesh (+880)
Barbados (+1246)
Belarus (+375)
Belgium (+32)
Belize (+501)
Benin (+229)
Bhutan (+975)
Bolivia (+591)
Bosnia & Herzegovina (+387)
Botswana (+267)
Brazil (+55)
Brunei (+673)
Bulgaria (+359)
Burkina Faso (+226)
Burundi (+257)
Cambodia (+855)
Cameroon (+237)
Canada (+1)
Cape Verde (+238)
Central African Republic (+236)
Chad (+235)
Chile (+56)
China (+86)
Cyprus (+357)
Colombia (+57)
Comoros (+269)
Cook Islands (+682)
North Korea (+850)
South Korea (+82)
Costa Rica (+506)
Ivory Coast (+225)
Croatia (+385)
Cuba (+53)
Czech Republic (+420)
Denmark (+45)
Democratic Republic of the Congo (+243)
Djibouti (+253)
Dominica (+767)
Dominican Republic (+809)
East Timor (+670)
Ecuador (+593)
Egypt (+20)
El Salvador (+503)
United Arab Emirates (+971)
Equatorial Guinea (+240)
Eritrea (+291)
Spain (+34)
Estonia (+372)
Ethiopia (+251)
Federated States of Micronesia (+691)
Fiji (+679)
Finland (+358)
France (+33)
Gabon (+241)
Gambia (+220)
Georgia (+995)
Ghana (+233)
Gibraltar (+350)
Greece (+30)
Grenada (+1473)
Guatemala (+502)
Guinea (+224)
Guinea-Bissau (+245)
Guyana (+592)
Haiti (+509)
Honduras (+504)
Hungary (+36)
Iceland (+354)
Marshall Islands (+692)
Solomon Islands (+677)
India (+91)
Indonesia (+62)
Iran (+98)
Iraq (+964)
Ireland (+353)
Israel (+972)
Italy (+39)
Jamaica (+1876)
Japan (+81)
Jordan (+962)
Kazakhstan (+7)
Kenia (+254)
Kyrgyzstan (+996)
Kiribati (+686)
Kosovo (+383)
Kuwait (+965)
Laos (+856)
Latvia (+371)
Lebanon (+961)
Lesotho (+266)
Liberia (+231)
Libya (+218)
Liechtenstein (+423)
Lithuania (+370)
Luxembourg (+352)
Macedonia (+389)
Madagascar (+261)
Malaysia (+60)
Malawi (+265)
Maldives (+960)
Mali (+223)
Malta (+356)
Morocco (+212)
Mauretania (+222)
Mauritius (+230)
Mexico (+52)
Moldova (+373)
Monaco (+377)
Mongolia (+976)
Montenegro (+382)
Mozambique (+258)
Myanmar (+95)
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Nauru (+674)
Nepal (+977)
Netherlands (+31)
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Nicaragua (+505)
Niger (+227)
Nigeria (+234)
Norway (+47)
Oman (+968)
Uganda (+256)
Uzbekistan (+998)
Pakistan (+92)
Palau (+680)
Panama (+507)
Papua New Guinea (+675)
Paraguay (+595)
Peru (+51)
Phillippines (+63)
Poland (+48)
Portugal (+351)
Qatar (+974)
Republic of the Congo (+242)
Romania (+40)
United Kingdom (+44)
Ruanda (+250)
Russia (+7)
Saint Kitts and Nevis (+1869)
Saint Lucia (+1758)
San Marino (+378)
Samoa (+685)
São Tomé and Príncipe (+239)
Senegal (+221)
Serbia (+381)
Seychelles (+248)
Sierra Leone (+232)
Singapore (+65)
Slovakia (+421)
Slovenia (+386)
Somalia (+252)
Sudan (+249)
South Sudan (+211)
Sri Lanka (+94)
Sweden (+46)
Switzerland (+41)
Suriname (+597)
Swaziland (+268)
Syria (+963)
Tajikistan (+992)
Taiwan (+886)
Tanzania (+255)
Thailand (+66)
Togo (+228)
Tonga (+676)
Trinidad und Tobago (+1868)
Tunisia (+216)
Turkey (+90)
Turkmenistan (+993)
Tuvalu (+688)
Ukraine (+380)
Uruguay (+598)
Vanuatu (+678)
Vatican City (+379)
Venezuela (+58)
Vietnam (+84)
Yemen (+967)
Zambia (+260)
Zimbabwe (+263)
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250 - 1000 Euro
1000 - 5000 Euro
5000 - 10.000 Euro
10.000 - 25.000 Euro
25.000 - 100.000 Euro
More than 100.000 Euro
I do not know yet

Please note

The acquisition of the offered securities and investments is associated with considerable risks and can lead to the complete loss of the invested assets. The expected yield is not guaranteed and may be lower. Whether it is a security or an asset investment can be seen in the description of the investment opportunity.
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